Asperger and love, a complicated topic!

The Asperger Syndrome is already a complicated subject, and love is also very complicated. If you're in love with an Asperger, your boyfriend or girlfriend is affected by Asperger syndrome, or you have the Asperger syndrome yourself, then you've come to the right place. Aspergers almost always have problems with love and relationships. Unfortunately, most Asperger autistic people are really unhappy in love, and love shows you how the Asperger syndrome becomes a really big disability for yourself.

As mentioned earlier, Aspger autists have great problems communicating their feelings to others. Aspergers may well love. I love a girl myself. But because of the fact that Asperger in their own small (relatively small, for the Aspger, they can be very large, because of the imagination of course no limits are set ^^) world. The problem now is that an Asperger lives on his own little world and unfortunately does things that are more of a love affair. This means no bad things now but rather the wrong words to fines or just because wrong date (umrichtpassende opportunity).

I once asked the girl in Psychiatric Station's living room, and she was not so happy. Then it went on some time later that I was hacking, just to understand them. And that has the relationship (who you can even talk about) finally destroyed

She just uses me and burns me. That makes me very angry and sad at the same time. But I've found good friends to help me and I'm learning more about getting around!

Sexuality with an Asperger

Although this paragraph is based only on assumptions (and easier generalization). I think that it is very different here too. Since Autisten algemei have problems with being "touched", even with small Berührunen I do not know if Aspergers would like something like that, but certainly there are some who can bear It to be touched (for example, to be gawked Angetikt, comes in Altagssituatuionen yes very often before.) Or if they then immediately disengage. Such Asperger autists then feel the same Berdoht because they take a sap of a touch like a punch and it hurts them then.

Asperger friendships

Asperger can be a one-to-one, in the worst case they are then Gemobbt. Among other things, because we have such a broken society in the schools! An Asperger is in the eyes of the other most just a Freek or just handicapped (meant as insult, the Asper is a mental disability according to the ICD-10 ^^) are like true people the disabled are those who take drugs, others "Take off" and beat them on playgrounds and elsewhere where together!

Asperger and farewell

Just as a computer program does not last forever, so does any friendship or love affair end. The only problem now is that it is a change of one's own world. And a Bedroiche! An Asperger will probably be angry at this stage. Will talk a lot with his main caregiver (for example, with his mother). It is said "All goodbye is heavy!", And I think that it is four times as hard as all Asperger! But somehow you will get over it, too.

In love with an Asperger

Aspergers may feel love, but they may not be able to place it directly in a context with the phrase "I love you!" It is a very good possibility to try to understand the world of Asperger much better. I would love it, but unfortunately I can not write a generally valid tutorial due to the individuality. Since I've learned what True Love is, I understand that word.

If you have an Asperger as a friend (depends on the person in individual) on it you must also be able to put away a lot. Aspergers are loayle people who would rarely cheat with someone else. However, Aspergers can already say something which they do not mean but which is very hurtful. Conversations with Aspergern can sometimes be very boring (especially with island talent). Because Aspergers mostly talk about the Thmen in which they are at home. Particularly important and also interesting are the conversations about the own world of an Asperger (because one can learn so much to understand the people much better).

Unfortunately, these conversations are often very difficult to lead because they are coded in terms of special topic. The wrong way is to refer to something (like my supervisor of youth welfare support). That can lead to anger or at least to a kind of misunderstanding (for me it is the former as the rage). That can be a relationship of sensitive Sören than with various things that one does not understand during a solcehn intimate conversation (because you just can not understand simply away, the are simply too complicated ^ ^) just ask. After many explanations (Sounds annoying to the normal people, showing aspergers but interest and signaling thus affection.) Finally, to be cleverer. After some time you can then listen to the Asperger Autisten in his own language about his own world. And they may even change a little influencing relationship. But beware: doing something in your own favor is the last of all! It's like defenseless kids beating! Otherwise one should bring the Asperger also "his own" world times closer.

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